Treasury Casino Brisbane

The Studio

Charcoal drawing of Treasury Casino in Brisbane, Australia by JR Thomas

Date Created

August, 2017



Canvas Size

30cm x 40cm

Rainy summer nights in Brisbane… capturing all of the romance and none of the mud. In this picture, you can see couples strolling outside Treasury Casino in Brisbane, at the end of Queen Street, just next to the Brisbane river. The path is shiny from the rain and a few people have their umbrellas up.

I don’t spend a lot of time in Brisbane, even though I live about 30 minutes outside of the city. But when I do go there, nothing compares to the Brisbane river at night, with the quiet busyness of the citycats, the Brisbane eye, and sparkling lights that reflect off the water.

This is of my first attempts at cityscape charcoal drawing, and something I plan to do more of.

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